Find places throughout Scotland to 'Stay, Eat, Buy, Do, Enjoy' and receive a real community welcome.

Explore our map of Scotland to discover where you can meet proud and passionate locals and be welcomed into our world.


Scotland is a small but diverse country – which is a huge part of its appeal - and Community Tourism enterprises are popping up all across the map from Unst on Shetland, to Newcastleton on the English border, and from Angus on the east coast to virtually every island on the west coast - and everywhere in between.

To inspire conscious travel to each of these amazing places you can search under four regions of Scotland - and six different types of visitor offer. And do come back again as we are adding new places all the time as our network grows and expands.

Explore our map for real and local experiences
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Stronsay Community Greenhouse

The community greenhouse (indoor allotments) was established by the Stronsay Development Trust in 2010 on land leased (peppercorn rent) by the Moncur Memoria...

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Eternal Mountain

Eternal Mountain began with the basic and inspirational idea of how individual, holidaymaker and community can rediscover their connection with nature throug...

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Colmonell Community Toilets

After a community buyout from South Ayrshire Council. The Colmonell Community Association (SCIO) has reopened the toilets after 15 years ..! They have been u...

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Colmonell Community Association

The historic conservation village of Colmonell has become a Biosphere Community, the seventh to be designated within Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Bi...

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The Glentrool Hive Gallery and Craft Shop

Supporting over 40 local artists, makers and producers, we showcase their beautiful wares and champion skilled handmade arts and crafts with an emphasis on l...

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The Glentrool Hive Gallery and Craft Shop

Supporting over 40 local artists, makers and producers, we showcase their beautiful wares and champion skilled handmade arts and crafts with an emphasis on l...

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The Glentrool Hive

The Glentrool Hive was designed to be flexible in it’s use and one of the most important aspects was to retain a community lounge area for villagers and visi...

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The Coorie

‘Coorie’ is a Gaelic word meaning to nestle or snuggle but it’s taken on a different meaning recently. The word has evolved from its origin to a lifestyle...

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Trimontium Museum

The Trimontium Museum is in the heart of Melrose in the Scottish Borders and is a community owned and managed attraction. They tell the story of Trimontium,...

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Aviemore Ice Rink

In February 2021, AGCT (Aviemore and Glenmore Community Trust) launched the Aviemore Community Ice campaign to raise funds to purchase an ice rink and a marq...

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Findhorn Village Heritage Centre and Icehouse

Situated in a former salmon net store at the Northern end of this historic village, our Heritage Centre tells the story of the people of Findhorn from the Br...

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Stay Icon 1

Overnight accommodation from hostels, self catering and airbnb to motorhome hook ups and camping

Eat Icon 1

Cafes, pop-ups, community pubs and distilleries

Buy Icon 1

Shops, crafts and provisions

Do Icon 1

Experiences, activities, heritage and arts centres

Enjoy Icon 1

Function spaces, events and festivals

Volunteer Icon 1

Join local groups to offer your support and skills

Find Icon 1

Services - such as information, toilets, ATMs, bike hire, baggage handling and storage and directions

Be a Local

Local Tips and Friendly Tricks

Immerse yourself in Scotland's communities to get a better experience for you, and leave a positive, lasting impression on the communities you visit.

Become a Local
David McCubbin, of the Cullen Voluntary Tourist Initiative

We’re very people-focused and embrace the idea of ‘temporary locals’ – it’s a two-way street as we genuinely are rewarded by helping people out and steering them towards our local businesses and other community bodies and projects.

Be Local Icon 1
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