Find places throughout Scotland to 'Stay, Eat, Buy, Do, Enjoy' and receive a real community welcome.

Explore our map of Scotland to discover where you can meet proud and passionate locals and be welcomed into our world.


Scotland is a small but diverse country – which is a huge part of its appeal - and Community Tourism enterprises are popping up all across the map from Unst on Shetland, to Newcastleton on the English border, and from Angus on the east coast to virtually every island on the west coast - and everywhere in between.

To inspire conscious travel to each of these amazing places you can search under four regions of Scotland - and six different types of visitor offer. And do come back again as we are adding new places all the time as our network grows and expands.

Explore our map for real and local experiences
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Hike & Bike Hub
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Background image - Hill Bridge
The Kintyre Way
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Background image - Hill Bridge
Girvan Tourist Information Point
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Kirkcudbright Summer Festivities
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Castlebay Marina
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Glengarry Community Woodlands
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Go Wild Scotland CIC
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Gorebridge Community Development Trust
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Stay Icon 1

Overnight accommodation from hostels, self catering and airbnb to motorhome hook ups and camping

Eat Icon 1

Cafes, pop-ups, community pubs and distilleries

Buy Icon 1

Shops, crafts and provisions

Do Icon 1

Experiences, activities, heritage and arts centres

Enjoy Icon 1

Function spaces, events and festivals

Volunteer Icon 1

Join local groups to offer your support and skills

Find Icon 1

Services - such as information, toilets, ATMs, bike hire, baggage handling and storage and directions

Be a Local

Local Tips and Friendly Tricks

Immerse yourself in Scotland's communities to get a better experience for you, and leave a positive, lasting impression on the communities you visit.

Become a Local
David McCubbin, of the Cullen Voluntary Tourist Initiative

We’re very people-focused and embrace the idea of ‘temporary locals’ – it’s a two-way street as we genuinely are rewarded by helping people out and steering them towards our local businesses and other community bodies and projects.

Be Local Icon 1
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E-news sign up

If you are a visitor and want to know more about being a temporary local, sign up here!

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